Friday(8.14), Further Thought
 Read Ellen G. White, “A Knowledge of God”, pp. 87-91, in Steps to Christ; “Bible Readings With Families”, pp. 192-193, in Gospel Workers; and “Bible Work Techniques”, pp. 481-486, in Evangelism.

 God is working on hearts all around us. If we have the spiritual discernment to see where God is already working, we will regularly observe opportunities to share His word with others. As God prepares the soil of the heart, we have the opportunity to sow the seed of the gospel. The Holy Spirit prepared the hearts of Nicodemus, the woman at the well, the woman with the issue of blood, the thief on the cross, the Roman centurion, and many others to receive His word before Jesus ever met them. Through the circumstances of their lives and the impressions of the Holy Spirit, they were prepared to receive Christ’s message.

 We may have a natural hesitancy to ask people if we can pray with them, share a Bible promise, or give them a piece of literature. More often than not when we feel impressed to share our faith with someone else, it is because the Holy Spirit who has impressed us has already impressed that person to receive our witness.

Discussion Questions
 1. If someone should come to you feeling terribly guilty over something and needed forgiveness from God, what counsel would you give, and what Bible texts would you share? What has been your own experience with guilt and the power of God’s forgiveness in your own life?

 2. Sometimes God brings people into our lives because He longs for them to know His truth. How can we be sensitive to God’s leading?

 3. Dwell more on the power of God and the Word of God as revealed in the Creation story and in Creation itself. We can barely grasp the concept of the universe itself because it is so big and so vast. And to think that the God who created it must be even greater than what He created. How can we draw comfort from knowing that the God we serve is so powerful? And not only is He powerful, but He loves us, as well. What great hope can we take from knowing these things about God? And how can this knowledge help us be better witnesses to others about Him?