Prime minister Daniel as. of Babylon COL 350;Ed 56;PK 545-6;7T 248;    [3]
Protestant faith churches professing, greater part of Christ’s followers are in GC 383, 390   
Revenue, of gospel voluntary offerings and tithe constitute 5T 149;9T 246-7;   
Self-made man (men) God’s cause needs 7T 280   
Self-supporting gospel worker See Gospel worker  
Seventh-day Adventist faith conversion to, does not make men fanatics or extremists 5T 642    [13]
Sing faith and talk faith CT 234 See also Music   
Starry heaven, Starry heavens God’s glory seen in DA 59    [5]
Temple (in heaven)   [1]
Touch of faith is distinct from casual touch of careless throng DA 344;MH 60, 62;5T 228-9;    [2]
Tried for our faith prepare no set speech to present when CSW 40-1;DA 355;    [2]
White gospel workers Negro gospel workers should be helped by 9T 210   
Zealous gospel workers need to learn at Christ’s feet TM 346