1. Simon
   See Peter
2. One of the Twelve Apostles
   A revolutionary and a patriot. Called "THE CANAANITE," (from the Hebrew root meaning "religious zeal,") Matthew 10:4, Mark 3:18
    "ZELOTES," Luke 6:15, Acts 1:13
3. A Physical Half-Brother of Jesus Matthew 13:55, Mark 6:3
4. A Leper
   Jesus dines with, Matthew 26:6, Mark 14:3
5. A Man from the City of Cyrene
   Compelled to carry Jesus' cross, Matthew 27:32, Mark 15:21, Luke 23:26
6. A Pharisee
   Jesus dines with, Luke 7:36-44
7. The Father of Judas Iscariot John 6:71, 12:4, 13:2, 26
8. A Sorcerer (Called also Simon Magus)
   Converted by Philip; rebuked by Peter, Acts 8:9-13, 18-24
9. A Tanner
   Peter lodges with, Acts 9:43, 10:6, 17, 32