Action, Actions

 1. Kinds of
 brethren’s, enough to do without criticizing 1T 426
 done in God irrespective of selfish gain TDG 337:3
 See also Business, transactions of
 cheap and covetous, disgrace doer 7BC 906
 concentrated, need for 3T 435
 concerted, departmental work needs 5T 534
 conscientious, depend on right thinking; exercise helps 1MCP 120:3
 consecrated, need of 6BC 1087
 consistent, think prayerfully for TDG 244:6
 daily, to be met in judgment 2T 366
 cleansing of camp calls for TM 426-8
 grace is not a substitute for 2MCP 691:3
 in God’s work TDG 33:2
 opposition calling for TDG 265:3
 destiny determined by, but some claim faith only FW 55:2
 determined, truth needs men of 4T 488
 disagreeable, efforts to change TDG 289:4
 disorganized, angels cannot work successfully for us with CET 199:1
 either virtuous or demoralizing TSB 61:3
 energetic, living faith prompts to ChS 177
 erroneous, erroneous eating and drinking causes SL 25; 9T 160; Te 18
 cheap and foolish thoughts beget 4T 412
 Satan delights in TMK 355:2
 fitful, put aside 7T 202
 generous, reaches into eternity 4T 490
 good, registered in the book HP 182:4
 harmonious, need for 6T 293
 harshness of, comes from Satan AG 263:4; HP 31:6
 hasty and inconsiderate, lack of judgment results in Ev 366-7
 healthy, God works with us in 3T 46
 holy, fruit of, possible by Holy Spirit like sap in vine TDG 252:3
 honorable, Christ requires 4T 607
 how right, become habitual MH 491
 impetuous, relating to Sunday law issue 3SM 397:0
 impulsive See Impulsive action
 caused by undue excitement of brain 2MCP 508:1
 holiness never leads to 2SM 29
 irreverent, recorded in books of heaven CG 547
 just and square, needed in buying and selling CS 240
 kindly, do with kindly heart SD 102
 minutest, carry out principles of God’s law in 4T 75
 others’, God’s thoughts toward you not changed by OHC 174:4