EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Holy Spirit GW 284-9    [3421]
    direct, light may be given to souls through DA 322
    does not remove need of exercising faculties and talents 4T 372
    God communicates with man through PP 405
    God ministers to men through MH 417
    God’s image is restored in man through TM 378
    God’s people are to reach souls around them through 1SM 190
    in man’s salvation FE 189
    in purifying and refining soul CT 37
    man becomes partaker of divine nature through DA 675
    mighty, failure to be worked by TM 403
       sin could be resisted and overcome only through DA 671
    needed to convince men of sin TM 144
    opens minds to truth Ev 169
    Satan is to be conquered through ML 43
    soul is enlightened through 1SM 134
    truths of God’s word convict and convert souls through TM 175
2. Aid (help) of
    are you willing to welcome? MYP 56
    ask for, in studying Scriptures DA 390;FE 357-8;SC 110;2SM 39;
    battle against sin calls for AA 56