EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Inspiration   [59]
    Roman Catholicism claims, for pope GC 193
    Satan’s, false prophets make predictions under 2SM 76-7
       fanatics who work under 2SM 65
    satanic, moves men to rebel against God TM 16
    speaker’s, which cannot be lost too soon Ev 670
    Spirit is to be, of God’s people 6T 467
    bound to God catching TMK 150.3
    disobedience to statements of, humans cannot help those in 3SM 255.0
    evidence of, by studying the Bible 3SM 359.2
    God will appoint people for, but not when feeling superior TDG 321.3
    messages from those claiming, will lead many astray 3SM 404.4
    Paul wrote 1 Cor. 10:31 under RC 138.3
    Paul’s messages influenced by 3SM 57.4
    restrictions and instructions from, to protect from temptation OHC 88.5
    unselfish labor of God’s people in ages past is HP 339.3
    views of, place human talent above God’s wisdom TMK 345.3
    voices of, crying, This is the way HP 103.2
    words that give, lift the soul 2MCP 789.4
    See also Prophecy