EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Reproof, Reproofs 5T 114-32    [150]
    person needing, principle should be brought to bear on 3T 359
    persons given, Satan seeks to create sympathy for 9T 182
    persons giving, may meet defiance and opposition SD 117
    persons too vain and self-righteous to accept DA 392
    persons who become weary of 4T 332;5T 680;
    persons who reject counsel and despise 3BC 1163-4;PP 625;
    pitying tenderness should be shown in giving, not harshness or severity 3T 93
    pray for angels’ help in giving 2T 53
    pride hurt by 3T 314
    prize, more than flattery 2T 338
    rejection of, result of 2BC 1034;PK 426;5T 66, 72;
    Satan seeks to make, of none effect 3T 329
    severe, Christ sometimes gave 4T 66
       needed in some cases 4T 66
    sharp and severe speech in giving, avoid COL 337;GW 120;
    speak, in love under all circumstances COL 337;GW 120;
    spirit of opposition to, exists today PK 437
    stern, kindness needed in giving CT 212
    success of, depends greatly on spirit in which it is given 2T 53
    sympathy for persons deserving, warning against 3T 359;5T 679;