1MCP 21.4
(Mind, Character, and Personality Volume 1 21.4)
The Artful Insinuation Versus the Open, Bold Attack—If Satan were to make an open and bold attack upon Christianity, it would bring the Christian at once to the feet of his Mighty Deliverer, who alone could put the adversary to flight. He does not generally do this. He is artful and knows that the most effectual way for him to accomplish his designs is to come to poor, fallen man in the form of an angel of light. In this disguise he works upon the mind to allure from the safe and right path. He has ever been ambitious to counterfeit the work of Christ and establish his own power and claims. He leads deceived mortals to account for the works and miracles of Christ upon scientific principles; he makes them appear as the result of human skill and power. In many minds he will thus eventually destroy all true faith in Christ as the Messiah, the Son of God.—The Signs of the Times, November 6, 1884. (1MCP 21.4) MC VC