WM 156
(Welfare Ministry 156)
Jesus Knows Women’s Burdens—He who gave back to the widow her only son as he was being carried to the burial, is touched today by the woe of the bereaved mother. He who gave back to Mary and Martha their buried brother, who wept tears of sympathy at the grave of Lazarus, who pardoned Mary Magdalene, who remembered His mother when He was hanging in agony upon the cross, who appeared to the weeping women after His resurrection, and made them His messengers to preach a risen Saviour saying, “Go tell My disciples that I go to My Father and to your Father, to My God and to your God,”(John 20:17) is woman’s best friend today and ready to aid her in her need if she will trust Him.—The Health Reformer, August, 1877. (WM 156.1) MC VC