6T 470
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 6 470)
From the success of the efforts already made, we see that it is far better to obey God’s requirements today than to wait for what we might think a more favorable season. We must become men and women of God’s opportunity, for great responsibilities and possibilities are within the reach of all who have enlisted for life service under Christ’s banner. (6T 470.1) MC VC
God calls us to action, that our educational institutions may be freed from debt. Let God’s plan be worked out after His own order. (6T 470.2) MC VC
The present is an opportunity which we cannot afford to lose. We call upon all our people to help to the utmost of their ability just now. We call upon them to do a work that will be pleasing to God in purchasing the book. We ask that every available means be used to assist in its circulation. We call upon the presidents of our conferences to consider how they can forward this enterprise. We call upon our ministers, as they visit the churches, to encourage men and women to go out as canvassers and to make a decided forward movement in the path of self-denial by giving a part of their earnings for the help of our schools. (6T 470.3) MC VC
A general movement is needed, and this must begin with individual movements. In every church let every member of every family make determined efforts to deny self and to help forward the work. Let the children act a part. Let all co-operate. Let us do our best at this time to render to God our offering, to carry out His specified will, and thus make an occasion for witnessing for Him and His truth in a world of darkness. The lamp is in our hands. Let its light shine forth brightly. (6T 470.4) MC VC