LDE 110
(Last Day Events 110)
Here they decided to build a city, and in it a tower of such stupendous height as should render it the wonder of the world [Genesis 11:2-4].—Patriarchs and Prophets, 118, 119 (1890). (LDE 110.1) MC VC
The Cities Are Hotbeds of Vice VC
The pursuit of pleasure and amusement centers in the cities. Many parents who choose a city home for their children, thinking to give them greater advantages, meet with disappointment, and too late repent their terrible mistake. The cities of today are fast becoming like Sodom and Gomorrah. The many holidays encourage idleness. The exciting sports—theater-going, horse-racing, gambling, liquor-drinking, and reveling—stimulate every passion to intense activity. The youth are swept away by the popular current.—Christ’s Object Lessons, 54 (1900). (LDE 110.2) MC VC
Light has been given me that the cities will be filled with confusion, violence, and crime, and that these things will increase till the end of this earth’s history.—Testimonies for the Church 7:84 (1902). (LDE 110.3) MC VC
The world over, cities are becoming hotbeds of vice. On every hand are the sights and sounds of evil. Everywhere are enticements to sensuality and dissipation.—The Ministry of Healing, 363 (1905). (LDE 110.4) MC VC
Judgments Coming on the Cities VC
Terrible shocks will come upon the earth, and the lordly palaces erected at great expense will certainly become heaps of ruins.—Manuscript Releases 3:312 (1891). (LDE 110.5) 2 I MC VC