TDG 282.2
(This Day With God 282.2)
There are many who have been waiting to hear the “certain sound” of the message that would meet the emergency. All over our land the Lord has honest souls, who are standing in uncertainty.... The message is to be proclaimed with sanctified ability. The word of the Lord has been spoken. God calls for sanctified hearts and lips. The messages of warning are to be given in the large cities, and also in the towns and villages. The men of God’s appointment are to be zealously at work, disposing of our books, and disseminating light. The articles in our papers are not to present the truth in the style of a romance, for this weakens the impression that should be made by the most solemn truth ever committed to mortals. They are to contain a plain, “Thus saith the Lord.” The message must be repeated, and Bible reasons given, not in the style of a romance, but in the style of the Bible. There are many who are watching for the evidence of true religion. (TDG 282.2) MC VC