TDG 214.5
(This Day With God 214.5)
Paul reasoned, How could he teach the commandments, which required him to love God with heart, and soul, and strength, and mind, and his neighbor as himself, if he gave any one reason to think that he loved himself more than his neighbor or his God, that he followed the practices of the Grecians, trading sharply upon his office for the sake of gain, instead of following the principles of the gospel. How could he lead the people to Christ, if he took all he possibly could from them? Paul decided that he would not give these keen, critical, unscrupulous money traders occasion to suppose that God’s servants were working as sharply and following as dishonest methods as they were.—Manuscript 97, July 24, 1899, “The Minister and Physical Work.” (TDG 214.5) MC VC