MM 59
(Medical Ministry 59)
Those who take advanced training in nursing and go forth into all parts of the world as medical missionary evangelists, cannot expect to receive from the world the honor and the rewards that often come to fully accredited physicians. Yet as they go about their work of teaching and of healing, and link up closely with God’s servants who have been called to the ministry of His word, His blessing will rest upon their labors, and marvelous transformations will be wrought. In a special sense they will be His helping hand.— Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 471 (MM 59.1) MC VC
To Prepare for Many Lines of Work VC
There is a very precious work to be done in connection with the interests of the sanitarium and school at Loma Linda; and this will be done when all work to that end. The word of God is to be our lesson book. In the unity that is coming in among our people we can see that God is working in our midst.... (MM 59.2) MC VC
In our school at Loma Linda many can be educated to work as missionaries in the cause of health and temperance. The best teachers are to be employed in this educational work—not men who esteem highly their own capabilities, but men who will walk circumspectly, depending wholly upon the Lord.... (MM 59.3) MC VC
If the teachers in medical lines will stand in their lot and place, we shall see a good work done. My soul is drawn out in earnest prayer to God that He will preserve the honest in heart from being led astray by those who are themselves in confusion and darkness. (MM 59.4) MC VC
Teachers are to be prepared for many lines of work. Schools are to be established in places where no efforts have been made ∙∙∙ . Truth, Bible truth, is to be presented in many places. Christ is represented as identifying Himself with all the needy upon earth when He says, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me.” Matthew 25:40. (MM 59.5) MC VC