CT 513
(Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students 513)
And the Giver expects returns according to the gifts. The humblest gift is not to be despised. Everyone has his peculiar sphere and vocation. He who makes the most of his God-given opportunities will return to the Giver, in their improvement, an interest proportionate to the entrusted capital. (CT 513.1) MC VC
The Lord does not reward the large amount of labor. He does not regard the greatness of the work so much as the fidelity with which it is done. The good and faithful servant is rewarded. As we cultivate the powers God has given us, we shall increase in knowledge and perception. (CT 513.2) MC VC
Perseverance in the acquisition of knowledge, controlled by the fear and love of God, will give the youth increased power for good in this life; and those who make the most of their opportunities to reach high attainments will take these attainments with them into the future life. They have sought and obtained that which is imperishable. The ability to appreciate the glories that “eye hath not seen, nor ear heard” (1 Corinthians 2:9), will be proportionate to the attainments reached. (CT 513.3) MC VC
Those who empty their hearts of vanity and rubbish, through the grace of God may purify the mind and make it a storehouse of knowledge, purity, and truth. And it will be continually reaching beyond the narrow boundaries of worldly thought, into the vastness of the infinite. (CT 513.4) MC VC