Ev 36-7, 131, 136-7, 384-91
(Evangelism 36-7, 131, 136-7, 384-91)
We should improve every such opportunity as that presented by the St. Louis Fair. At all such gatherings there should be present men whom God can use. Leaflets containing the light of present truth should be scattered among the people like the leaves of autumn. To many who attend these gatherings these leaflets would be as the leaves of the tree of life, which are for the healing of the nations. (Ev 36.1) MC VC
I send you this, my brethren, that you may give it to others. Those who go forth to proclaim the truth shall be blessed by Him who has given them the burden of proclaiming this truth.... (Ev 36.2) MC VC
The time has come when, as never before, Seventh-day Adventists are to arise and shine, because their light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon them.—Letter 296, 1904. (Ev 36.3) MC VC
Surveying the Needs of the Large Cities VC
City Work Is Difficult—We feel intensely regarding the work in our cities. There are few ready to engage in the work waiting to be done. There are people of all classes to be met; and the work is difficult. But we shall encourage all who have tact and the ability to understand the situation to give themselves to the work of sounding the last note of warning to the world.—Letter 82, 1910. (Ev 36.4) MC VC
The Need of Study and Means—A few faithful workers have been trying to do something in this great, wicked city [New York]. [See also pp. 384-389, “New York.”] But their work has been difficult, because they have had so few facilities. Elder ----- and his wife have labored faithfully. But who has felt the burden of sustaining them in their labors? Who among our leading men have visited them, to learn the needs of the work?—The General Conference Bulletin, April 7, 1903. (Ev 36.5) MC VC
Difficulties and Fears the Cause of Neglect—Time is rapidly passing into eternity, and these cities have as yet scarcely been touched. There is a power that the Spirit of God can impart to truth. As light is flashed into the mind, a conviction will take hold of hearts that will be too powerful to resist.... (Ev 37.1) MC VC
My duty is to say that God is earnestly calling for a great work to be done in the cities. New fields are to be opened. Men who know the message and who should feel the responsibilities of the work have manifested so little faith that because of difficulties or fears there has been a long neglect.—Letter 150, 1909. (Ev 37.2) MC VC
Commission to Study Special Needs—Seven men should have been chosen to be united with the president, to set in operation a work in the great cities for those who are perishing without the truth, while no determined efforts are being put forth to save them. These seven men should be men who are wide awake, men that are humble and meek and lowly in heart. Never should the cities have been neglected as they are; for there has come most decidedly message after message calling for earnest labor. (Ev 37.3) MC VC
No less than seven men should be chosen to carry the large responsibilities of the work of God in the great cities. And these men should humble themselves daily and seek the Lord most earnestly for sanctified wisdom. They should relate themselves to God as men desirous to be taught. They must be men of prayer, who realize the peril of their own souls. What should be the work of these seven men? They should investigate the needs of the cities and put forth earnest, decided efforts to advance the work.—Letter 58, 1910. (Ev 37.4) MC VC
Our work now is to enlighten and educate minds as to the sayings of the Scripture. Doors are now opened for the entrance of truth. Avail yourselves of the opportunity to reach those who have never heard the truth. Explain the truth, as did Christ, in many ways, by figures and parables. And Elder _____’s striking presentation of the truth by the means of charts may be followed to advantage. Let these things speak to the senses of the people. Do not encourage anything like a fanatical movement. Satan works in this line, seeking to draw away disciples after him by representations that, if it were possible, will deceive the very elect.—Letter 17, 1902. (Ev 131.1) MC VC
Startling Notices—Startling notices are detrimental to the progress of the work.—The Review and Herald, July 5, 1906. (Ev 131.2) MC VC
I assure you that we are praying for you and for the work in New York City. But please do withdraw those startling notices of your meetings. If a fanatical wave should strike New York now, Satan would work upon human minds, setting in operation a work that none of you are prepared to handle. It is not excitement that we need at this time, but calm, steady, devoted effort for the education of the people.—Letter 17, 1902. (Ev 131.3) MC VC
The Evangelist in Publicity VC
Boasting Out of Place—All boasting of merit in ourselves is out of place.... Not in our learning, not in our position, not in our numbers or entrusted talents, not in the will of man, is to be found the secret of success.—Christ’s Object Lessons, 401, 404 (1900). (Ev 131.4) MC VC
Avoiding Display and the Sensational VC
Success Not Dependent on Outward Display—Some ministers make the mistake of supposing that success depends on drawing a large congregation by outward display, and then delivering the message of truth in a theatrical style. But this is using common fire instead of the sacred fire of God’s kindling. The Lord is not glorified by this manner of working. Not by startling notices and expensive display is His work to be carried to completion, but by following Christlike methods. “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.” Zechariah 4:6. It is the naked truth which, like a sharp, two-edged sword, cuts both ways, arousing to spiritual life those who are dead in trespasses and sins. Men will recognize the gospel when it is brought to them in a way that is in harmony with God’s purposes.—Gospel Workers, 383 (1915). (Ev 136.1) MC VC
Methods of Sound Sense—There are persons that are ready to catch at something strange, which they can bring as a surprise upon the people, to awaken their fears and begin a strange work that will spoil the good work that has been begun right.... (Ev 136.2) MC VC
Those who are handling the great, grand, ennobling truths of the Word must ever reveal a spirit deep, earnest, fervent, but calm, and full of sound sense, that the mouths of gainsayers may be stopped. Encourage not a wave of fanaticism that will spoil a work begun as it should be, and carried on with the Word of God in your hands.... (Ev 136.3) MC VC
Those engaged in the work in New York are not to suppose that some strange thing must be brought in and mingled with their labor, as evidence of the supernatural character of the work, setting on it the seal that it is of God. Their work is to speak to the people in humble, trustful faith, asking counsel of God, not following their own ideas, not trusting to the bringing out of fanciful things to arouse the senses of those who are dead in trespasses and sins. The system of truth found in the Word of God is capable of making impressions such as the great Teacher desires to have made upon the intellect.—Letter 17, 1902. (Ev 136.4) MC VC
Never Bring Truth to Low Level—Never bring the truth down to a low level in order to obtain converts, but seek to bring the sinful and corrupted up to the high standard of the law of God.—Manuscript 7, 1900. (Ev 137.1) MC VC
Refrain From All Theatrical Display—I have a message for those in charge of our work. Do not encourage the men who are to engage in this work to think that they must proclaim the solemn, sacred message in a theatrical style. Not one jot or tittle of anything theatrical is to be brought into our work. God’s cause is to have a sacred, heavenly mold. Let everything connected with the giving of the message for this time bear the divine impress. Let nothing of a theatrical nature be permitted, for this would spoil the sacredness of the work. (Ev 137.2) MC VC
I am instructed that we shall meet with all kinds of experiences and that men will try to bring strange performances into the work of God. We have met such things in many places. In my very first labors the message was given that all theatrical performances in connection with the preaching of present truth were to be discouraged and forbidden. Men who thought they had a wonderful work to do sought to adopt a strange deportment and manifested oddities in bodily exercise. The light given me was, “Give this no sanction.” These performances, which savored of the theatrical, were to have no place in the proclamation of the solemn messages entrusted to us. (Ev 137.3) MC VC
Section 11—The Work in the Large American Cities (Ev 384) MC VC
New York VC
The Message to “Go”—While in New York in the winter of 1901, I received light in regard to the work in that great city. Night after night the course that our brethren should pursue passed before me. In Greater New York the message is to go forth as a lamp that burneth. God will raise up laborers for this work, and His angels will go before them. Though our large cities are fast reaching a condition similar to the condition of the world before the Flood, though they are as Sodom for wickedness, yet there are in them many honest souls, who, as they listen to the startling truths of the advent message, will feel the conviction of the Spirit. New York is ready to be worked. In that great city the message of truth will be given with the power of God. The Lord calls for workmen. He calls upon those who have gained an experience in the cause to take up and carry forward in His fear the work to be done in New York and in other large cities of America. He calls also for means to be used in this work.—Testimonies For The Church 7:54, 55 (1902). (Ev 384.1) MC VC
New York—A Symbol of Work in the World—Those who bear the burden of the work in Greater New York should have the help of the best workers that can be secured. Here let a center for God’s work be made, and let all that is done be a symbol of the work the Lord desires to see done in the world.... (Ev 384.2) MC VC
In Greater New York, the Lord has many precious souls who have not bowed the knee to Baal; and there are those who through ignorance have walked in the ways of error. On these the light of truth is to shine, that they may see Christ as the Way, the Truth, and the Life. (Ev 385.1) MC VC
We are to present the truth in the love of Christ. No extravagance or display should attend the work. It is to be done after Christ’s order. It is to be carried forward in humility, in the simplicity of the gospel. Let not the workers be intimidated by outward appearances, however forbidding. Teach the Word, and the Lord by His Holy Spirit will send conviction to the hearers.—Testimonies For The Church 7:38 (1902). (Ev 385.2) MC VC
Working After God’s Order—Our manner of working must be after God’s order. The work that is done for God in our large cities must not be according to man’s devising.... (Ev 385.3) MC VC
In our work we are to remember the way in which Christ worked. He made the world. He made man. Then He came in person to the world to show its inhabitants how to live sinless lives. (Ev 385.4) MC VC
Brother _____, the Lord has given you an opening in New York City, and your mission work there is to be an example of what mission work in other cities should be. You are to show how the work should be carried forward, sowing the seed, and then gathering the harvest. There are those who can unite with you in your labor, engaging in the work understandingly, and in full sympathy with you.... (Ev 385.5) MC VC
Your work in New York has been started in right lines. You are to make in New York a center for missionary effort, from which work can be carried forward successfully. The Lord desires this center to be a training school for workers, and nothing is to be allowed to interrupt the work. After the people have embraced the truth and taken their stand, then the Lord will prepare them to be educated for the full reception of Bible truth. You must select as helpers men who can carry the work forward solidly and thoroughly, laboring for the conversion of the whole being, body, soul, and spirit. A solid foundation, laid upon gospel plans, must be laid for the building up of the church.—Letter 150, 1901. (Ev 385.6) MC VC
Medical Missionary and School Needs of the Great Metropolis—We need a sanitarium and a school in the vicinity of New York City, and the longer the delay in the securing of these, the more difficult it will become. (Ev 386.1) MC VC
It would be well to secure a place as a home for our mission workers outside the city. It is of great importance that they have the advantages of pure water, free from all contamination. For this reason, it is often well to consider the advantages of locations among the hills. And there should be some land, where fruit and vegetables might be raised for the benefit of the workers. Let it be a mission in as healthful a place as possible, and let there be connected with it a small sanitarium. A place in the city should also be secured where simple treatments might be administered. (Ev 386.2) MC VC
Such a home would be a welcome retreat for our workers, where they may be away from the bustle and confusion of the city. The exercise called for in climbing hills is often a great benefit to our ministers, physicians, or other workers who are in danger of failing to take sufficient exercise. (Ev 386.3) MC VC
Let such homes be secured in the neighborhood of several cities, and earnest, determined efforts be put forth by capable men to give in these cities the warning message that is to go to all the world. We have only touched, as it were, a few of the cities.—Medical Ministry, 308 (1909). (Ev 386.4) MC VC
The Best Help—To start medical missionary work in New York will be the best thing that you can do. I have been shown that if in this work there could be men and women of experience, who would give a correct representation of true medical missionary work, it would have great power in making a correct impression on the people.—Letter 195, 1901. (Ev 387.1) MC VC
Cosmopolitan Medical Evangelism—In New York there are many who are ripe for the harvest. In this great city there are thousands who have not bowed the knee to Baal. The angel said, “Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.” Luke 2:10. New York contains a part of the “all people.” We desire to see the new year open with teachers at work in all parts of New York. There is a work to be done in this city.... In our large cities the medical missionary work must go hand in hand with the gospel ministry. It will open doors for the entrance of truth.—Manuscript 117, 1901. (Ev 387.2) MC VC
Startling Notices Detrimental—Some time ago Elder _____ got out some very startling notices regarding the destruction of New York. I wrote immediately to the ones in charge of the work there, saying that it was not wise to publish such notices, that thus an excitement might be aroused which would result in a fanatical movement, hurting the cause of God. It is enough to present the truth of the Word of God to the people. Startling notices are detrimental to the progress of His work.... (Ev 387.3) MC VC
I have sent cautions to the brethren working in New York, saying that these flaming, terrifying notices should not be published. When my brethren go to extremes, it reacts on me, and I have to bear the reproach of being called a false prophet. (Ev 387.4) MC VC
Think you that if I had said that New York would be destroyed by a tidal wave, I should have urged the purchase of property only sixty miles away from this city, as a sanitarium site, and a place from which New York could be worked?—Letter 176, 1903. (Ev 388.1) MC VC
Plans to Reach Businessmen—You should feel a decided responsibility for the working of New York City. The men in the business houses of New York and other large cities, as verily as the heathen in foreign lands, must be reached with the message.—Letter 168, 1909. (Ev 388.2) MC VC
Halls and Church Building Problems—Go to New York City. Look the ground over carefully, and see whether it is advisable to purchase the hall and the land on which it stands. Perhaps the land could be leased for a term of years. I have been instructed that some such methods will have to be followed in the work in the large cities. If, after careful consideration, you decide that it is best to purchase the hall, we shall do all in our power to raise the money. But it is best to move understandingly. Pray, pray, pray, for if possible Satan will close the doors which have opened for the entrance of truth. The Lord desires a center for the truth to be established in the great, wicked city of New York.... (Ev 388.3) MC VC
I ask you to investigate the work in New York, and lay plans for establishing a memorial for God in this city. It is to be a center for missionary effort, and in it a sanitarium is to be established.... A determined effort must be made to unify our churches in New York and the surrounding cities. This can be done, and it must be done if aggressive warfare in New York is successfully carried forward.—Letter 154, 1901. (Ev 388.4) MC VC
Results to Follow Proper Effort—God wants the work to go forward in New York. There ought to be thousands of Sabbathkeepers in that place, and there would be if the work were carried on as it should be. But prejudices spring up. Men want the work to go in their lines, and they refuse to accept broader plans from others. Thus opportunities are lost. In New York there should be several small companies established, and workers should be sent out. It does not follow that because a man is not ordained as a preacher he cannot work for God. Let such ones as these be taught how to work, then let them go out to labor. On returning, let them tell what they have done. Let them praise the Lord for His blessing, and then go out again. Encourage them. A few words of encouragement will be an inspiration to them.—Life Sketches, p. 385. (1915). (Ev 389.1) MC VC
Boston and New England VC
Unworked Cities of New England—My mind has been burdened in behalf of the large cities of the East. Besides New York City, where you labored last summer, there is the important city of Boston, near which is situated the Melrose Sanitarium. And I know of no place where there is a greater need for a rebuilding of the first works than in Boston and in Portland, Maine, where the first messages were given in power, but where now there is but a little handful of our people.—Letter 4, 1910. (Ev 389.2) MC VC
To Be Worked Without Delay—If in the city of Boston and other cities of the East, you and your wife will unite in medical evangelistic work, your usefulness will increase, and there will open before you clear views of duty. In these cities the message of the first angel went with great power in 1842 and 1843, and now the time has come when the message of the third angel is to be proclaimed extensively in the East. There is a grand work before our Eastern sanitariums. The message is to go with power as the work closes up. Portland, Maine, a city that has been foremost in temperance reform, is to be worked without delay.—Letter 20, 1910. (Ev 389.3) MC VC
There are towns in Maine, like Brunswick and Bangor, that must be worked faithfully. All through the cities and towns of the East, the truth is to shine forth as a lamp that burneth.—Letter 28, 1910. (Ev 390.1) MC VC
Importance of the Near-by Sanitarium—The buildings and grounds at Melrose are of a character to recommend our medical missionary work, which is to be carried forward not only in Boston, but in many other unworked cities in New England. The Melrose property is such that conveniences can be provided that will draw to that sanitarium persons not of our faith. The aristocratic as well as the common people will visit that institution to avail themselves of the advantages offered for restoration of health. (Ev 390.2) MC VC
Boston has been pointed out to me repeatedly as a place that must be faithfully worked. The light must shine in the outskirts and in the inmost parts. The Melrose sanitarium is one of the greatest agencies that can be employed to reach Boston with the truth. The city and its suburbs must hear the last message of mercy to be given to our world. Tent meetings must be held in many places. The workers must put to the very best use the abilities God has given them. The gifts of grace will increase by wise use. But there must be no self-exaltation. No precise lines are to be laid down. Let the Holy Spirit direct the workers. They are to keep looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of their faith. The work for this great city will be signalized by the revelation of the Holy Spirit, if all will walk humbly with God.... (Ev 390.3) MC VC
We hope that those in charge of the work in New England will co-operate with the Melrose sanitarium managers in taking aggressive steps to do the work that should be done in Boston. A hundred workers could be laboring to advantage in different portions of the city, in varied lines of service.... (Ev 391.1) MC VC
The medical missionary work is a door through which the truth is to find entrance to many homes in the cities. In every city will be found those who will appreciate the truths of the third angel’s message.... (Ev 391.2) MC VC
The Lord will work with power, as we strive to do our part faithfully. He will cause Boston to hear the message of present truth. Co-operate with Him in bringing this about, my brother, my sister, and He will help you, strengthen you, and encourage your hearts through the salvation of many precious souls.—Special Testimonies, Series B, No. 13, pp. 12-16. (1906). (Ev 391.3) MC VC
Boston’s Thousands Craving for Simple Truths—I feel a deep anxiety that Boston shall hear the Word of the Lord and the reasons of our faith. Ask the Lord to raise up laborers to enter the field. Ask Him to raise up laborers who can gain access to the people of Boston. The message must be sounding forth. There are thousands in Boston craving for the simple truth as it is in Jesus. Cannot you who minister in word and doctrine prepare the way for this truth to reach souls?—Letter 25, 1905. (Ev 391.4) MC VC