2SG 295
(Spiritual Gifts, Volume 2 295)
At the time of the Crane’s Grove, (Ills.), conference and discussion several of the age-to-come, no-Sabbath preachers designed to bring out before the public some of the reports in circulation. But when they learned that we were prepared for them, Elder Stephenson stated to my husband that they had concluded to do nothing about it! I will here give two of these testimonies, also some others which have been sent to me by those who have read the printed sheets of this book. (2SG 295.1) MC VC
And I would here state to all others who can freely and cheerfully give their names to these testimonies to send them in immediately. Also those who can testify to other facts stated in this book will please send their testimonies with the names of as many as can cheerfully give them. (2SG 295.2) MC VC
There will be but four hundred copies of the last sixteen pages of this book printed now. These will be sent out, and when all have sent in their testimonies and names who would esteem it a pleasure, the entire edition will be completed. (2SG 295.3) MC VC
A special request is made that if any find incorrect statements in this book they will immediately inform me. The edition will be completed about the first of October; therefore send before that time. E. G. W. (2SG 295.4) MC VC