TDG 39.3, 165, 262.5
(This Day With God 39.3, 165, 262.5)
You have been the Lord’s chosen instrument, through whom He has worked, and will work for the saving of the souls of your children. You are to bear the testimony that John bore, repeating the words of Christ to love one another as Christ has loved them. The Holy Spirit will testify of their union with Christ, and believers and unbelievers will take knowledge of you that you have been with Christ and have learned of Him. As you follow on to know the Lord, you will reflect the character of Christ. (TDG 39.3) MC VC
Individual Preparation, June 5 VC
A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. John 13:34. (TDG 165.1) MC VC
These words are not the words of man, but the words of our Redeemer; and how important it is that we fulfill the instruction that He has given! There is nothing that can so weaken the influence of the church, as the lack of love. Christ says, “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves” (Matthew 10:16). If we are to meet opposition from our enemies, who are represented as wolves, let us be careful that we do not manifest the same spirit among ourselves. (TDG 165.2) MC VC
The enemy well knows that if we do not have love one for another, he can gain his object, and wound and weaken the church, by causing differences among brethren. He can lead them to surmise evil, to speak evil, to accuse, condemn, and hate one another. In this way the cause of God is brought into dishonor, the name of Christ is reproached, and untold harm is done to the souls of men. (TDG 165.3) MC VC
How careful we should be, that our words and actions are all in harmony with the sacred truth that God has committed to us! The people of the world are looking to us, to see what our faith is doing for our characters and lives. They are watching to see if it is having a sanctifying effect on our hearts, if we are becoming changed into the likeness of Christ. They are ready to discover every defect in our lives, every inconsistency in our actions. Let us give them no occasion to reproach our faith. (TDG 165.4) MC VC
It is not the opposition of the world that will most endanger us; it is the evil cherished right in our midst that works our most grievous disaster. It is the unconsecrated lives of half-hearted professors that retard the work of the truth, and bring darkness upon the church of God.... (TDG 165.5) MC VC
God would have us individually come into that position where He can bestow His love upon us. He has placed a high value upon man, and has redeemed us by the sacrifice of His only-begotten Son, and we are to see in our fellow man the purchase of the blood of Christ. If we have this love one for another, we shall be growing in love for God and the truth.—The Review and Herald, June 5, 1888. (TDG 165.6) MC VC
Is Christ divided?—No. Christ abiding in the soul will not quarrel with Christ in another soul. We must learn to bear with the peculiarities of those around us. If our will is under the control of Christ’s will, how can we be at variance with our brethren? If we are at variance, we may know that it is because self needs to be crucified. He whom Christ makes free is free indeed. We are not complete in Christ unless we love one another as Christ has loved us. When we do this, as Christ has given us commandment, we shall give evidence that we are complete in Him. (TDG 262.5) MC VC