MM 306
(Medical Ministry 306)
Sanitariums and Hygienic Restaurants VC
God has declared that sanitariums and hygienic restaurants should be established for the purpose of making known to the world His law. The closing of our restaurants on the Sabbath is to be a witness that there is a people who will not for worldly gain, or to please people, disregard God’s holy rest day. These restaurants are to be established in our cities to bring the truth before many who are engrossed in the business and pleasure of this world. Many of these are professed Christians, but are “lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.” 2 Timothy 3:4. These are to know that God has a people who fear Him and keep His commandments. They are to be taught how to choose and prepare the simple food that is best suited to nourish the body and preserve the health.— Manuscript 115, 1903. (MM 306.1) MC VC
Danger of Missing the Mark VC
There is danger, in the establishment of restaurants, of losing sight of the work that most needs to be done. There is danger of the workers’ losing sight of the work of soul saving as they carry forward the business part of the enterprise. There is danger that the business part of the work will be allowed to crowd out the spiritual part. (MM 306.2) MC VC
Some good is being done by the restaurant work. Men and women are being educated to dispense with meat and other injurious articles of diet. But who are being fed with the bread of life? Is the purpose of God being fulfilled if in this work there are no conversions? It is time that we called a halt, lest we spend our energies in the establishment of a work that does little to make ready a people for the coming of the Lord. (MM 306.3) MC VC
The only object in the establishment of restaurants was to remove prejudice from the minds of men and women, and win them to the truth. The same effort put forth in circulating our publications, in doing evangelistic work, would tell far more for the saving of souls. (MM 306.4) MC VC