PM 304.5, 314.3
(The Publishing Ministry 304.5, 314.3)
By his work, the converted, consecrated canvasser is sowing the seeds of truth. This work must be done without delay, for we have but a short time in which to work. Everything that can be done to reach the people must be done. Speak to them in a way that will win their confidence. Pray for the sick. Ask the Lord to restore and heal suffering humanity. He has declared, “These signs shall follow them that believe” (Mark 16:17).—Manuscript 10, 1900. (PM 304.5) MC VC
Publications That Proclaim the Last Message—In all our cities, workers are to be sent out to sow the seeds of truth through the medium of publications that proclaim the last message of mercy to a fallen world. But Satan is standing at the right hand of the angel of the Lord, to resist him and to hinder the work that God has outlined should be done.—Letter 208, 1906. (PM 314.3) MC VC