TMK 14.6, 70.3, 125.4, 131.2
(That I May Know Him 14.6, 70.3, 125.4, 131.2)
Adam and Eve persuaded themselves that in so small a matter as eating of the forbidden fruit, there could not result such terrible consequences as God had declared. But this small matter was sin, the transgression of God’s immutable and holy law, and it opened the floodgates of death and untold woe upon our world.... Let us not esteem sin as a trivial thing. (TMK 14.6) 2 I MC VC
Men whom God had created, and who were dependent upon Him for every moment of their lives, who claimed to be the children of Abraham, worked out the wrath of Satan upon the innocent Son of the infinite God. While Christ was bearing the heavy guilt incurred by transgression of the law, while in the very act of bearing our sins, of carrying our sorrows, He was mocked ... by the chief priests and rulers.... It was there that mercy and truth met together, righteousness and peace embraced each other. Here is a theme which all need to understand. Here are lengths and breadths, depths and heights, that pass any computation.... (TMK 70.3) MC VC
Satan will seek to entice you to enter into the paths of sin, promising that some wonderful good will result from the transgression of God’s law, but he is a deceiver. He would only work your ruin.... Christ came to break the rule of the evil one.... Man was so weakened through transgression that he did not possess sufficient moral power to turn from the service of Satan to the service of the only true God; but Jesus, the Prince of life, to whom is committed “all power in heaven and earth,”(Matthew 28:18) will impart to every soul who desires salvation the strength necessary to overcome the enemy of all righteousness. (TMK 125.4) MC VC
The ethics inculcated by the gospel acknowledge no standard but the perfection of God’s mind, God’s will. God requires from His creatures conformity to His will. Imperfection of character is sin, and sin is the transgression of the law. All righteous attributes of character dwell in God as a perfect, harmonious whole. Every one who receives Christ as his personal Saviour is privileged to possess these attributes. This is the science of holiness.... (TMK 131.2) MC VC