LS 336
(Life Sketches of Ellen G. White 336)
“Our field is the world,” she urged. “The Saviour directed the disciples to begin their work in Jerusalem, and then pass on through Judea and Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. Only a small proportion of the people accepted the doctrines; but the messengers bore the message rapidly from place to place, passing from country to country, lifting the standard of the gospel in all the near and far-off places of the earth.” (LS 336.1) MC VC
In June, the committee having the matter in charge announced that on St. Kilda Road, Melbourne, two large houses in George’s Terrace had been rented for the school. (LS 336.2) MC VC
Early in August, Elder and Mrs. L. J. Rousseau arrived from America, and on August 24 a term of sixteen weeks was begun. The teachers were Elder Rousseau, principal; Elder Starr, Bible; W. L. H. Baker and Mrs. Rousseau, assistants in common branches; Mrs. Starr, matron. Soon twenty-four students were in attendance. Nearly all were adults. Twelve had been canvassers or were preparing for that work. Half of the remaining twelve had been laborers in some other line of Christian service. (LS 336.3) MC VC
On the opening day, short addresses were made by Elders Daniells, Tenney, Starr, White, and Rousseau; also by Mrs. White, who in the course of her remarks outlined with clearness the broad scope of a denominational training school, and the vital relation that it sustains to the task of finishing the work of God in the earth without delay. But her special burden seemed to be to impress upon the minds of teachers and students the fact that God by His providence is opening country after country to the heralds of the cross, and that in these lands of gospel opportunity the honest in heart are groping eagerly after the light of saving truth. (LS 336.4) MC VC