3SM 258.1, 273.1, 423.2
(Selected Messages Book 3 258.1, 273.1, 423.2)
Seeking Our Own Pleasure—I say to those who claim to be Seventh-day Adventists, Can you claim the seal of the living God? Can you claim that you are sanctified by the truth? We have not, as a people, given the law of God the preeminence as we should. We are in danger of doing our own pleasure on the Sabbath day.—Letter 258, 1907. (3SM 258.1) MC VC
I have seen in vision that tobacco was a filthy weed, and that it must be laid aside or given up. Unless it is given up, the frown of God will be upon the one that uses it, and he cannot be sealed with the seal of the living God.—Letter 5, 1851. [James White in The Review and Herald, November 8, 1870, puts the time of the vision in the fall of 1848. See Introduction.] (3SM 273.1) MC VC
The Sabbath Is the Issue in the Final Conflict—The Sabbath is the great test question. It is the line of demarkation between the loyal and true and the disloyal and transgressor. This Sabbath God has enjoined, and those who claim to be commandment keepers, who believe that they are now under the proclamation of the third angel’s message, will see the important part the Sabbath of the fourth commandment holds in that message. It is the seal of the living God. They will not lessen the claims of the Sabbath to suit their business of convenience.—Manuscript 34, 1897. (3SM 423.2) MC VC