Ev 59
(Evangelism 59)
Planning an Expanding Evangelism VC
The Time for an Aggressive Work—To all people and nations and kindreds and tongues the truth is to be proclaimed. The time has come for much aggressive work to be done in the cities, and in all neglected, unworked fields.—The Review and Herald, June 23, 1904. (Ev 59.1) MC VC
Wise Plans—Diligent work is now called for. In this crisis, no halfhearted efforts will prove successful. In all our city work, we are to hunt for souls. Wise plans are to be laid, in order that such work may be done to the best possible advantage.—The Review and Herald, September 27, 1906. (Ev 59.2) MC VC
Launching Out Into the Deep—There are those who think it is their duty to preach the truth, but they dare not venture from the shore, and they catch no fish. They will choose to go among the churches, over and over the same ground. They report a good time, a pleasant visit, but we look in vain for the souls that are converted to the truth through their instrumentality. These ministers hug the shore too closely. Let them launch out into the deep, and cast their net where the fish are. There is no lack of work to be done. There could be hundreds employed in the vineyard of the Lord where there is now one.—The True Missionary, February, 1874. (Ev 59.3) MC VC