Thursday(9.8), Learning to Take Delight in the Lord
 “Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart” (Ps. 37:4, NRSV).

 Psalm 37:4 is a wonderful promise. Imagine getting what you have always wanted. But getting the desires of our hearts hinges on having a heart that takes delight in the Lord. So what does it mean to “take delight in the LORD”?

 Read Psalm 37:1-11. The context for Psalm 37:4 is perhaps a little surprising. David is writing about being surrounded by people who are working against God and against him. When people are working against us, the natural response is often to get angry or to set out to justify ourselves. But David advises something different.

 In the following verses, what is David’s counsel to God’s people in this situation?

 Ps. 37:1

 Ps. 37:5

 Ps. 37:7

 Ps. 37:8

 Read Psalm 37:4 again. In the context of the verses you have just made comments on, what does it mean to “take delight in the LORD”?

 David is repeating again and again, in different ways, “Trust God.” Trust Him to act. Don’t get upset, because God is your God, and He is working for you — even right now. You don’t have to charge in and try to sort things out by yourself. Your Father in heaven is in charge. Trust Him. Trust Him completely.

 It is in this context that David writes about taking delight in the Lord. To take delight in God means that we live in a state of perfect trust. Nothing can ruffle our peace, because God is here and at work. We can praise Him, we can even smile, because no one can outwit our God! When we can learn to do this, we really will receive what our hearts long for, because we will receive what our loving Father wants to give us, at the time that most benefits us and His kingdom.

 How can you learn to “take delight in the LORD”? Spend some time in prayer, seeking God’s guidance in how this may become a reality in your life.