11. Waiting in the Crucible, Sabbath(9.3)
Read for This Week’s Study
Memory Text
 “But the fruit of the Spirit is ... longsuffering” (Galatians 5:22, NKJV).

 Scientists did an experiment with 4-year-old children and marshmallows. Each child was told by a scientist that they could have a marshmallow; however, if the child waited until the scientist returned from an errand, they would be given two. Some of the children stuffed the marshmallow into their mouths the moment the scientist left; others waited. The differences were noted.

 The scientists then kept track of these children into their teenage years. The ones who had waited turned out to be better adjusted, better students, and more confident than those who didn’t. It seemed that patience was indicative of something greater, something important in the human character. It is no wonder, then, that the Lord tells us to cultivate it.

 This week, we’ll look at what could be behind some of the most trying of all crucibles: the crucible of waiting.

 The Week at a Glance: Why do we sometimes have to wait so long for things? What lessons can we learn about patience while in the crucible?

 Study this week’s lesson to prepare for Sabbath, September 10.