Thursday(1.19), An Honest or Faithful Tithe
 Read 1 Corinthians 4:1, 2. As children of God and stewards of His blessings, what kind of people are we asked to be?

 So, what does it mean to be faithful with our tithe? This week we have reviewed several of the constituent elements of the tithe:

 The amount — which is a tenth, or 10 percent, of our income or increase.

 Taken to the storehouse — the place from which the gospel ministers are paid.

 Honoring God with the first part of our income.

 Used for the right purpose — the support of the ministry.

 It is our responsibility as church members to uphold the first three items; it is the responsibility of the storehouse managers to make sure that the tithe funds are used properly.

 And, the tithe is not discretionary on our part. The tenth and the storehouse are both part of our responsibility. We don’t set the parameters; God does. If I don’t return a full 10 percent of my “increase,” I’m not really tithing; and if I don’t bring that 10 percent to the “storehouse,” I’m not really tithing either.

 Read Matthew 25:19-21. When are we called upon to give an account of our management of God’s funds? What is said to those who have been financially faithful?

 “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse’ (Malachi 3:10), is God’s command. No appeal is made to gratitude or to generosity. This is a matter of simple honesty. The tithe is the Lord’s; and He bids us return to Him that which is His own.” — Ellen G. White, Education,p. 138. Managing for God is a unique privilege — and a responsibility, as well. He blesses and sustains us and asks for only a tenth, and then He uses His tithe to provide for those in the ministry, as He did for the tribe of Levi during the times of ancient Israel.

 Some argue that they don’t like how their tithe money is used and hence either don’t tithe or send their money somewhere else. Yet where did God say, “Bring the tithe to the storehouse, but only if you are sure that the storehouse is using it right”?