Children See Child  
Children of Satan See Satan  
Colored people   [1]
Commandment-keeping people See Commandment  
Common people Christ sought to reach minds of CW 107;Ev 565;    [8]
“Courage in the Lord!” cry of, in 1844 GW 265    [1]
Covenant-keeping people God will work in behalf of His 7T 242   
Covenant people Israel as God’s PP 335    [2]
Damman, Israel 2SG 40-2   
Day of God/Day of the Lord at hand 5T 98-105;6T 446;    [39]
Den of iniquity, Dens of iniquity in large cities, physicians not to work specially for people in 6T 246   
Denominated people, God’s . men should not look in vain to Ev 121    [4]
Discipline (for children and students)   [15]
Dublin Nation quoted GC 440   
El-elohe-Israel signifies “God, the God of Israel” PP 204   
Erring children God yearns over His PK 413   
Evildoer, Evildoers be kind to MB 75    [4]
Fashionable people how to evangelize Ev 556   
Fatherless children See Father; Orphan  
Feasts of Israel See Festival