Sickly people need to become health reformers CD 39   
Simple-minded people can understand Sermon on Mount 5T 254   
Sinful no one is so, that he cannot find salvation in Christ SC 53    [1]
Sinful act, Sinful acts persons who employ others to do, are also guilty DA 204    [1]
Sinful desire every indulgence of, strengthens soul’s aversion to God 5T 53    [2]
Sinful practice, Sinful practices never compromise with 1SM 380   
Sinful soul only one remedy for MM 98   
Sinful trait every, plan of redemption provides means for subduing 1SM 82   
Sleeping people sleeping preachers preaching to 2T 337   
Spirit, Holy See Holy Spirit  
Spirits of dead people angels are not disembodied GC 511    [11]
Street people   [1]
Substantial people SDA need MM 202   
Suffering people Christ unites His interest with His PP 535    [5]
Thousands of children may be brought to Christ by gospel work for them CT 172   
Thousands of common people Christ will use, in miss. work Ed 269-71   
Thousands of people can be reached in most simple and humble way CM 39;COL 232;    [26]
Three hundred and ninety-one years plus 15 days, of Rev. 9.15 GC 334-5   
“Thus saith the Lord,” take your stand on ML 73   
Treasury of Lord abominable means of raising money for WM 290    [133]