Sweet thing, Sweet things better to let, alone CD 328, 335   
Syrophoenician woman daughter of, Christ healed AA 19;AH 204;COL 175;DA 399-403, 405, 512;MH 42;GC 515;    [1]
Teachable spirit dictatorial person who needed 2T 165    [5]
Temporal thing, Temporal things how men are tested in 4T 309    [1]
Tender spirit may save the erring MH 166    [1]
Things of God, danger of forgetting CS 112    [88]
Things new and old parable of See Parable  
“Thus saith the Lord,” take your stand on ML 73   
Trading spirit worldlings’, Christian must not descend to low and bartering 2T 155   
Transformed body Christ has made full provision for church to be COL 419   
Transitory things of this life, turn away from CT 485   
Treasury of Lord abominable means of raising money for WM 290    [133]
Trifling things conversation on, youth warned against 2T 290    [1]
Trivial things praised and magnified 5T 401   
Troubled spirit anxious and, is expressed in countenance and casts shadow 2T 640   
Tyrannical spirit father should not manifest, in home AH 213   
Unclean body, Unclean bodies God does not like to see people have CH 103   
Unclean things trivial exactions of Jews re DA 617   
Unforgiving spirit grievous in God’s sight TM 186    [3]
Unmarried better to remain, than to marry person who would lead from cross of Christ 4T 507