Army officers in US Civil War   [4]
Black man name of, written in book of life beside white man’s name ChS 218;2SM 342;    [1]
Blind man/People   [2]
Boyish man warning to 5T 411   
Busy nothing, Busy nothings time consumed by ML 73;8T 194;   
Card table Satan uses, to lead men into sin PP 460   
Church officer, Church officers appointed in each church in apostolic times AA 185    [28]
Conference officer, Conference officers TM 319-46    [11]
Dishonest man (men) among us need to be born again CS 142    [1]
Divorced man whose second marriage was justified 2SM 339-40   
Do-nothing, Do-nothings do not be counted as 2SM 181    [6]
Do-nothing position sinful neglect of God-given talents by 6T 425   
Do-nothing system curse to soul and body of the sick 1T 568    [3]
“Doomed Man,” poem by Joseph Addison Alexander, quoted PP 159   
Drowning man clinging to side of boat TM 353   
Egyptian king, Egyptian kings nearly all, called Pharaoh 3SG 189   
Exposition of Solomon’s Booke Called Ecclesiastes by Martin Luther, quoted GC 549   
Family table gossip and slander at, ill effects of 4T 195   
Feeble man one touch of God’s finger can prostrate 1T 117