Abigail David’s sister PP 742   
Abigail   [6]
Achish king of Gath PP 656, 672-4, 691   
Adams, two . meeting of, in City of God 6BC 1093;GC 647-8;1T 659;   
Arnold, David LS 110;2SG 97-8, 149;   
Benevolent men cheerfulness lights faces of 2T 534   
Black man name of, written in book of life beside white man’s name ChS 218;2SM 342;    [1]
Blind man/People   [2]
Bookman(men) faithful, encouragement for LS 446    [1]
Boyish man warning to 5T 411   
Clergyman(men) efforts of, to keep light from shining on flocks GC 607    [5]
Consecrated men few really, among God’s people 5T 82   
Crafty men lie in wait to deceive unwary children of God 3T 427   
Dishonest man (men) among us need to be born again CS 142    [1]
Distinguished men failure of, to receive light of truth AA 240   
Divorced man whose second marriage was justified 2SM 339-40   
“Doomed Man,” poem by Joseph Addison Alexander, quoted PP 159   
Drowning man clinging to side of boat TM 353   
Efficient men God’s cause needs CT 538;GW 92-5;