Abiding in Christ explained SC 69-71   
Acceptance by Christ   [3]
Accusing spirit   [8]
Acquisitive spirit must be overcome CS 227   
Agony of Christ See Christ  
Angel, Christ as See Christ  
Angry spirit exhausting itself in torrent of faultfinding 4T 243   
Arbitrary spirit drives away friends 4T 126   
Attitude, Attitudes/Disposition, Dispositions/Spirit   [111]
Bigoted spirit beware of indulging 2SM 127    [2]
Bowel, Bowels bathing gives new energy and life to MH 276;3T 70;    [7]
Braggadocio spirit 3T 459    [1]
Brotherly fellowship blessed, binds us together 5BC 1098   
Brotherly love 5T 167-77    [8]
Calm spirit under perfect control, better even in roughest company 4T 486    [1]
Censorious spirit church members warned against MB 127    [7]
Cheerful spirit accept your lot with MH 199    [3]
Christ (events of earthly life of)   [702]
Christ   [13609]
Christ, false, Christs, false . actuated by their own will and seeking their own glory DA 212    [15]