Day of judgment See Judgment day  
Decisive hour at hand GC 594   
Deep, great . foundations of, broken up when Flood came SR 66    [5]
Eight-hour system gospel worker does not measure his work by 9T 45    [1]
Eleventh hour educate men of ability for God’s work at this 5T 554    [1]
Eternal torment See Torment  
Executive judgment See Judgment  
“Fear,” meaning of, in 1 Peter 3.15 4T 258-9   
Fear, Fears avoid manifestation of, in sick-room MH 219    [84]
Fear do not, when appearances seem most forbidding PK 164    [5]
Financial standing school’s, should be determined each month FE 511   
Great desire to do something, do not overlook smaller tasks awaiting you in MYP 96   
Great Britain Christianity took root early in GC 62    [4]
Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan (by EGW), adapted especially to new believers CM 129;Ev 366;    [49]
Great person, Great persons conduct of, in God’s sight SD 271    [38]
Great Sea (Mediterranean Sea) PP 471   
Great thing, Great things God longs to have His people expect, from Him COL 146    [1]
Harsh judgment remedy for 4T 559   
Herod I (Great) babes of Bethlehem slain by 5BC 1077;6BC 1066-7;DA 65-6, 80;GC 667;SR 424;    [13]
Holy City See New Jerusalem