Emotional life Christian life should not be FE 483;GW 395;   
Eternal life See Life, eternal  
Everlasting life See Life  
Family life industry needed in 2T 436    [2]
Farm life blessings of, parents and children who would profit by 2T 403   
Fashionable life customs of, parents should not be biased by Te 214-5    [5]
Fiftieth part See One fiftieth part  
Fountain of Life by John Flavel GC 253   
Frivolous life forsaken at conversion FE 459   
Future life See Life  
Galilee, Sea of: as lake MB 1, 38    [9]
Gennesaret, Sea of Sea of Galilee is DA 245;MB 1, 4-5, 38;    [1]
Great Sea (Mediterranean Sea) PP 471   
Haphazard life man cannot live, and be true Christian 2SM 383   
History of the Life and Sufferings of J. Wiclif by John Lewis, quoted GC 85   
Holier life attainment of, requires more than a moment of time MH 452   
Holy life all books written cannot serve purpose of MH 442    [6]
Home life Abraham’s, lessons from PP 141-4    [67]
Idle life man is made prey by, to Satan’s temptations PP 156   
Imaginary life young woman who lived 3T 335