Real Presence of the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Eucharist, Proved From Scripture by Nicholas P. Wiseman, quoted GC 59   
Review and Herald publishing house board of, solemn warning read (in November of 1901) to 8T 90-6    [70]
Right word See Word  
Room, Rooms boys should know how to put, in order Ed 216    [33]
Room temperature 2T 526-7, 533    [2]
Scolding word, Scolding words make child cry much AH 436   
Sleeping room, Sleeping rooms air in, should be made healthy by light and air 4aSG 142    [31]
Southern publishing house CW 146;2SM 358;    [5]
Spokesmen for God some, deny their faith in daily life 5T 190   
Sun-god Baal worshiped as 3T 282    [2]
Sunless room, Sunless rooms danger of sleeping in MH 275   
Surgical operating room Christ is present in 2SM 284;6T 231;    [1]
Sympathizing word, Sympathizing words for the sorrowful, result in blessings to speaker 4T 56   
Tabernacle of God with men in new earth DA 26;GC 676;SR 431;   
Tempting God what is meant by DA 126   
“Therefore,” in Matt. 5.48 MB 76   
Throne, Thrones as token of self-conquest through Christ’s grace DA 549    [90]
Throne (of the heart)   [2]
Throne of grace   [4]
“Thus saith the Lord,” take your stand on ML 73