Church tribunal God’s tribunal is above MH 340   
Church unity 4T 16-20 See also Unity   
Church work church school teachers should engage in CT 534    [7]
Church worker work of, parents should support CSW 44   
City of God   [23]
College church duty of, to students in community FE 55-6   
Colossian church Epaphras brought tidings from, to Paul at Rome AA 471    [2]
Controversy (universal, between Christ and Satan)   [16]
Corinth Apollos in AA 269-70, 280-1    [12]
Corinthian church appeals to, to give liberally AA 344;6BC 1103;    [14]
Councils of God, Councils of God Christ in, before coming to world SD 26   
“Courage in the Lord!” cry of, in 1844 GW 265    [1]
Covenant-keeping God assurances given by PK 632    [4]
Day of God/Day of the Lord at hand 5T 98-105;6T 446;    [39]
Dealings of God profound mysteries in TM 432    [3]
Demon god, Demon gods teaching of, vilest license fostered by Ev 608;PP 688;    [1]
Denominational name SDA See Seventhday Adventist Church  
“Desert place,” in Gospels, does not mean waste and solitary wilderness ML 133   
Despiser of God do not condemn brother as MB 57   
Difficult place, Difficult places show that God can trust SDA in PP 622    [2]