Advent, first EW 152-8;DA 43-9;    [77]
Adventists, first-day .   [13]
Advent people path of, vision re EW 14;1SM 62;   
American city See City  
Antediluvian, Antediluvians (people who lived before the flood) Ed 20-7;EW 145-53;PP 44-116;3SG 33-96;SR 20-71;    [77]
Backsliding people God has not forsaken 3BC 1132   
Black people white people and, free and equal in God’s sight 2SM 343    [1]
Blind man/People   [2]
Boulder City, Colo. LS 235, 256;4T 297;5T 9;   
Busy people cheerful, are most happy and healthy CG 342   
Cheerful people busy, are most happy CG 342    [2]
City, Cities   [734]
City evangelism See Evangelism  
City life See City  
City lot, City lots ministers should not urge men to invest in GW 341   
City mission, City missions 5T 369    [29]
City official, City officials favoring temperance, voting for 2SM 337   
City of God   [23]
College City, Calif. FE 62   
Colored people   [1]