Temperance men propriety of voting for, for positions of trust Te 253-6   
Temporal thing, Temporal things how men are tested in 4T 309    [1]
Tempting God what is meant by DA 126   
“Therefore,” in Matt. 5.48 MB 76   
Things of God, danger of forgetting CS 112    [88]
Things new and old parable of See Parable  
Thinking men attention of, fixed on events taking place about us MM 333;PK 537;    [2]
Three angels’ messages accepting, results of GC 436    [82]
Three hundred and ninety-one years plus 15 days, of Rev. 9.15 GC 334-5   
Toilworn men whom God will honor Ev 630   
Transitory things of this life, turn away from CT 485   
Trifling things conversation on, youth warned against 2T 290    [1]
Trivial things praised and magnified 5T 401   
Trust (trusting) in God abiding, faith that ripened into PK 264    [25]
Twenty-three hundred years (days) See Two thousand three hundred years (days)  
Two-sided men God has no use for, in emergency 2SM 153   
Two thousand three hundred years (days) GC 323-9    [35]
Unclean things trivial exactions of Jews re DA 617   
Unseen things eclipsed by the seen UL 103.4    [8]
Voice of God announcement of day and hour of second advent by EW 15, 34, 285;GC 640;LS 65;2SG 31;1SM 75-6;1T 59;    [66]