Right word See Word  
School, Schools, not Seventh-day Adventist   [206]
School, Schools, Seventh-day Adventist   [1199]
Scolding word, Scolding words make child cry much AH 436   
Self-sacrificing people bread and water of, will be sure 1T 173-4    [1]
Seventh day of week See Sabbath   [1]
Seventh-day Adventist, Seventh-day Adventists accused of not believing Bible 9T 240    [420]
Seventh-day Adventist Church denominational name of 1T 223-4    [61]
Seventh-day Adventist faith conversion to, does not make men fanatics or extremists 5T 642    [13]
Seventh-day Adventist family, Seventh-day Adventist families moves of, that do not please God 2T 633   
Seventh-day Adventist headquarters every pulsation from, felt by members all over field 1T 596    [5]
Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association organized and incorporated in 1861 LS 164;1T 101; See also Review and Herald Publishing Association   
Seventh Day Baptists 1T 337   
Sickly people need to become health reformers CD 39   
Simple-minded people can understand Sermon on Mount 5T 254   
Sleeping people sleeping preachers preaching to 2T 337   
Spirits of dead people angels are not disembodied GC 511    [11]
Street people   [1]
Substantial people SDA need MM 202   
Suffering people Christ unites His interest with His PP 535    [5]