Skillful men many persons lauded as, in their profession who scorn thought that they need to rely on Christ for wisdom CT 486   
Sleeping people sleeping preachers preaching to 2T 337   
Small (little) men be willing to be, handling great subjects Ev 134   
South/Southern field (in U.S.A.)   [31]
Southern publishing house CW 146;2SM 358;    [5]
Spirits of dead people angels are not disembodied GC 511    [11]
Spokesmen for God some, deny their faith in daily life 5T 190   
Statesman(men) able, things of greatest importance neglected by GW 170    [23]
Stormy time, Stormy times before God’s people ChS 136;CS 256;2SM 246;1T 211;5T 546;9T 167;    [2]
Street people   [1]
Substantial people SDA need MM 202   
Suffering people Christ unites His interest with His PP 535    [5]
Sun-god Baal worshiped as 3T 282    [2]
Tabernacle of God with men in new earth DA 26;GC 676;SR 431;   
Temperance men propriety of voting for, for positions of trust Te 253-6   
Tempting God what is meant by DA 126   
These Times See “Watchman”  
Thinking men attention of, fixed on events taking place about us MM 333;PK 537;    [2]
Thirty Years’ War Sweden aided Germany in GC 244   
Thousands of children may be brought to Christ by gospel work for them CT 172