Honorable man (men) person who is most, on earth 5T 235    [1]
Honored man (men) world’s most, many people in common walks of life could be on equality with DA 250   
Hope of Israel paper issued in Iowa 1T 655, 660   
House, Houses MH 363-70    [120]
“House-band” See Father; Husband  
House of God on earth, gate of heaven to believer 5T 491    [2]
House of ill fame See Prostitution  
House of worship See Church building  
House-to-house ministry most important part of minister’s work is TM 312-3   
House-to-house visitation in 1843-44 2SM 402;WM 80;    [1]
House-to-house work among the wealthy, example of WM 72-3    [97]
House-to-house worker, House-to-house workers SDA need CT 540   
Human, Humans/Humanity/Man/Men  
Humble people God’s, spirit that cannot harmonize with spirit of message given to 1T 330-1   
Idle children Satan ready to find something for, to do FE 417   
Idol god, Idol gods set up by Jezebel, regarded as deities PK 115    [1]
Image of God   [40]
Independent men of earnest endeavor, God’s work needs 3T 496   
Indolent children parents’ duty re 3T 152    [1]
“Israel,” name of, given to Jacob MB 144;PP 198;    [1]