Noblest man on earth 5T 235   
Old-fashioned things that are needed today 2SM 19;1T 461;   
Old man   [1]
Old men never pet and flatter Ev 494-5    [1]
One-idea men described 2SM 319   
Patented things manufacture and sale of, not wrong 1T 664   
People of God   [474]
Petitions to God present your, when God’s work seems improperly managed 9T 249    [3]
Policy man (men) conservative, God does not need 5T 263    [5]
Practical things knowledge of, missionary needs Ed 221   
Prayer-answering God have confidence in MH 199   
Prayer-hearing God have confidence in MH 199    [1]
Professional man (men) benefits of manual training are needed by Ed 220    [7]
Prosperous man Bible picture of Ed 142    [1]
Providence of God, Providences of God acknowledge, in all things 5T 427    [297]
Purse-proud men lofty spirit of, because money has power 2T 277   
Race of men, Races of men Biblical term “neighbor” has no reference to COL 376;DA 503;    [31]
Red man Christ loves ChS 218;2SM 343;   
Religious things view, from elevated standpoint 2T 390   
Responsible man (men) arbitrary use of authority by TM 357-8    [17]