Day and night changes of, speak to man of God’s love CS 17;SD 17;    [2]
Day by day how God would have His people live DA 313    [1]
Day of Atonement See Atonement, Day of  
Day of God/Day of the Lord at hand 5T 98-105;6T 446;    [39]
Day of God’s preparation we live in 2SM 379;5T 118, 257, 420-1;    [2]
Day of judgment See Judgment day  
Day of reckoning   [2]
Day schools See School  
Day-Star editor of, ran into spiritualism EW 77    [1]
Desponding heart struggle experienced by 2T 274   
Discouraging word, Discouraging words can rouse and strengthen selfishness in soul 6T 455    [1]
Discourse in Six Dialogues, on the Name, Notion, and Observation of the Lord’s Day by Thomas H. Morer, quoted GC 575-7   
Erring heart unwilling to. be criticized FE 239    [1]
First day of week See Sunday  
Flattering word, Flattering words Korah and associates used, to stir up rebellion PP 401-2    [1]
Fretful word, Fretful words child caused by, to cry much AH 436    [1]
Frivolous word, Frivolous words spiritual strength lost by speaking 9T 133   
Happiest heart has Christ as abiding guest ML 157   
Harsh command speak no ML 111   
Harsh word, Harsh words ask God to help you not to speak AH 342-3    [22]