Weak-minded people argument that only, keep seventh day as Sabbath Ev 240   
White people black people and, are free and equal in God’s sight 2SM 343    [12]
Wicked people angels will protect God’s people against attempts of, to slay them EW 282-5;LS 102;GC 630-1, 634;    [120]
Wisest people make mistakes 2SM 169   
Word of God, Words of God   [2150]
Work for God do not wait for great occasions or expect extraordinary abilities in order to do 3T 247    [2]
Work of God advancement of, it becomes us to use all our capabilities and gifts for 9T 227    [165]
Works of God contain knowledge of Himself that He has seen fit to reveal MM 91    [5]
Worship of God angels are in every assembly for COL 176    [73]
Young people See Youth