Massasoit House in Chicago, Ill. 2T 553   
Nervous woman (women) MH 293;2T 99-100;    [2]
New Year’s Day celebration of, by helping the helpless AH 482    [5]
Omnipotent hand still trust SC 106   
One woman 20 needed where there is now, in work of saving souls WM 146   
Order of the day men whose, is work, work, work 2T 663   
Pacific Press publishing house men in responsible position in CW 173-4    [7]
Passionate word, Passionate words children should be taught to withhold CT 124    [3]
Paulson, Dr. David MM 305;1SM 24-31;   
Phoenician woman widow of Zarephath (Sarepta) was 6T 345-6 See also Zarephath   
Pioneer Seventh-day Adventists aged 7T 286-9    [52]
Poor woman See Woman  
Preparation day See Friday  
Presumptuous hand let no, seek to lift veil concealing God’s glory MH 438   
Presumptuous words sanctified lips never utter AA 561-2   
Prison house graves as, of Satan’s captives GC 659-60;PP 478;    [1]
Provoking word, Provoking words what to do when tempted to speak AH 342-3   
Publishing house, Publishing houses 4T 449-62;7T 138-49, 161-74, 182-90;    [250]
Publishing-house agents ministers as 1T 688   
Publishing-house board duty of, re rights of authors to royalties 5T 563-7