Aim high FE 82    [1]
Alexander the Great victim of intemperance CG 96;4T 348;   
Altar, Altars   [126]
American Progress: or, The Great Events of the Greatest Century by R. M. Devens, quoted GC 333   
Atoning sacrifice   [51]
Burial place of the righteous, guardian angels mark Ed 305    [1]
Burnt offering, Burnt offerings Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac as SR 81-2;4T 144-5;    [14]
Business place, Business places angel records all acts in 1T 480    [3]
Catholic Christian Instructed in the Sacraments, Sacrifice, and Ceremonies of the Church by R. B. Challoner, quoted GC 384   
Ceremonial offerings Cain felt no need of 3SG 48;SR 53;    [4]
Ceremonial sacrifice, Ceremonial sacrifices Adam and sons began to offer PK 685    [5]
Daily sacrifice See Sacrifice  
Deep, great . foundations of, broken up when Flood came SR 66    [5]
“Desert place,” in Gospels, does not mean waste and solitary wilderness ML 133   
Difficult place, Difficult places show that God can trust SDA in PP 622    [2]
Egyptian king, Egyptian kings nearly all, called Pharaoh 3SG 189   
Evening sacrifice See Sacrifice  
Family altar, Family altars GC 517-26    [12]
Five thousand fed by Christ See Miracle   [1]