Adoption as God’s children 1T 510;2T 44, 592;4T 110;WM 24;    [14]
Census of Israel David took PP 747    [1]
Child, Children   [3668]
Child, Children (adults as)   [20]
Children and youth   [10]
Child of day, Children of day few people can be called 5T 10   
Child of God, Children of God   [79]
Child (children) of world   [3]
Children See Child  
Children of Satan See Satan  
Church congregation poorest, God’s regard for PK 566   
Congregation, Congregations fervent responses from, during preaching 5T 318    [13]
Damman, Israel 2SG 40-2   
Discipline (for children and students)   [15]
El-elohe-Israel signifies “God, the God of Israel” PP 204   
Erring children God yearns over His PK 413   
Fatherless children See Father; Orphan  
Feasts of Israel See Festival  
Hope of Israel paper issued in Iowa 1T 655, 660