Rich poor men professing to serve God, are objects of pity CS 151   
Rich young ruler interview of, with Christ COL 390-4;DA 518-23, 719;4T 49-50; See also Ruler, rich young   
Scientific man (men) beating about upon rocks of infidelity 8T 258    [5]
Self-important men who overlook humble and contrite gospel workers 7T 26   
Self-made man (men) God’s cause needs 7T 280   
Self-reproach servile, considered by some people as virtue to display 4BC 1140    [1]
Self-sent man (men) reproach upon God’s cause by EW 97   
Sheaf, Sheaves gathered, inexpressible joy of seeing 2T 669    [2]
Skillful men many persons lauded as, in their profession who scorn thought that they need to rely on Christ for wisdom CT 486   
Small (little) men be willing to be, handling great subjects Ev 134   
Statesman(men) able, things of greatest importance neglected by GW 170    [23]
Temperance men propriety of voting for, for positions of trust Te 253-6   
Thinking men attention of, fixed on events taking place about us MM 333;PK 537;    [2]
Toilworn men whom God will honor Ev 630   
Two-sided men God has no use for, in emergency 2SM 153   
White man (men) black man’s name is written beside that of, in book of life ChS 218;2SM 343;    [3]
Wise men   [63]
Witty saying Scripture should never be paraphrased to point a Ed 244   
Wooden man (men) God does not desire, to guard interests of His institutions and church 4T 513    [1]
Young keep your heart and mind, by continuous exercise 2SM 222