Thousands of common people Christ will use, in miss. work Ed 269-71   
Thousands of dollars cheerfully laid on altar in closing work of gospel CS 40   
Thousands of families books and pamphlets can be sent into, now sitting in darkness of error 4T 389   
Thousands of hearts can be reached in most simple way Ev 443    [1]
Thousands of idlers having heard message of salvation might be engaged in some line of active Christian service AA 110-1   
Thousands of invalids think their lives depend on taking medicines from doctors CH 55   
Thousands of others one soul converted may carry truth to Ev 443   
Thousands of people can be reached in most simple and humble way CM 39;COL 232;    [26]
Thousands of places to be entered where standard of truth has never been raised ChS 179;6T 412;   
Thousands of seekers after health and pleasure, ministers and colporteurs should be stationed in world-renowned health resorts and centers of tourist traffic crowded with CM 40   
Thousands of ships will be hurled into depths of sea MYP 89   
Thousands of voices will give warning message GC 612   
Thousand times salvation of one soul will repay your efforts a 2T 31;WM 97;   
Thousand topics we must turn away from, that invite attention 8T 316   
Thousands upon thousands of youth and older people should give themselves to God’s work Ed 270-1   
Thousand ways God has, to provide for us of which we know nothing DA 330;MH 481;   
Thousand years See Millennium  
Three angels’ messages accepting, results of GC 436    [82]
Three hundred and ninety-one years plus 15 days, of Rev. 9.15 GC 334-5   
Toilworn men whom God will honor Ev 630